Friday 25 September 2009

Pawn Endings

We can also end the game with the Pawns. Two important concepts behind ending the game involving only kings and pawns are the rule of the square and the opposition. . A passed pawn is a pawn that cannot be stopped from queening by an opponent's pawn. If both sides have one or more passed pawns, then the player with a protected passed pawn (protected by another pawn) is likely to have an advantage. If neither side has a protected passed pawn, then the player with an outside passed pawn (farthest from the other pawns) will most likely win. So it is quite important to learn how we can end the game using pawns and king.


  1. This method of playing is really tricky. You must be skilled at playing chess before you can master the method of passing pawns with the kings help. You have a really good chance to win if you have all tthe pawns on the table and the other players has remained only with the king or some insignificant characters.

  2. Idea of winning is always based on the using of power. The opponent with many passed pawns can be defeated by the weak opponent with one protected pass pawn. When you work out your plan in the perfect time even a pawn could be the end for king. Therefore, keeping these small but useful things in mind helps a lot.
