Tuesday 29 September 2009

Chess Pieces you will love to have

Chess lovers always prefer to go for Chess pieces and sets having very decent quality. To choose among the various sets, they should possess sound knowledge regarding the material of these sets as it is very hard to find good quality chess sets and pieces.

1. One should possess regarding the pieces and set material. Usually they made up of wood, crystal, stone etc. Best type of pieces are made up of Budrose and Ebony.
2. Secondly, usually pieces are hand made or machine carved, so one should examine them closely, which shape you require, resembling the original shape.
3. Finally, if you don't want have any basic knowledge regarding the material and pieces, ask any good chess player or chess lover.

It is a fact that playing chess with your favorite pieces always makes you feel good internally .


  1. This is true, also i recommend not always going for the extremely pricey sets. It's true that budrose and ebony are thought to be great chess pieces, but unless you are constantly playing chess or have a little extra cash i suggest getting simpler models. The cheapest obviously being plastic and the most average being wood, it's a great idea to get something suitable within your price range and most of all your preference. Surf the internet and find reviews about different types of chess pieces. This will help you make your decision.

  2. The chess pieces always keep on showing a standard ascending in its quality, people prefer pieces according to their financial ability. Do any one can imagine how much a chess piece could go for, the costliest chess set is 500,000 US $ which is made up of pure white gold and white diamonds. It’s really a royal game.
