Sunday 27 September 2009

Ace the Center

Four squares at center of the board enables the player to have control of the entire game. This can be verified through various techniques.

1. First, a central piece controls the board more efficiently than anywhere else. For example, if we place one Knight on a center square and if another one in one of the corners of the board.
2. We know, the Knight in the center can only move to eight different squares, while the "cornered" one can only go to two possible moves!
3. Now, control of the center is essential as it provides an avenue for your pieces to move from one side of the board to the other side.
4. A piece which is moved from one corner to other is often taken through center . So if our piece can reach the other end before opponents piece, we can have an upper edge. We will often be able to mount a successful attack there before he can bring over enough pieces to defend.

1 comment:

  1. Centre of the board is important spot to be captured, when centre is in your hand then game is in your hand. But it depends on the person how he wields the chance of centre. Because many players may find a way to win the centre but not the game.
