Friday 25 September 2009

Minor Piece Checkmates

If there in only one minor piece left against a lone king, it will be impossible to checkmate the Black king. But if White has three pieces, the checkmate can be done very easily. So with two bishops, the job became very easy and with a bishop and knight, the job became somewhat harder. And if we have two Knights, checkmate is nearly impossible. In order to mate with a bishop and knight, white must force black's king to the corner that is the same color as his bishop - in this case the a8 square. This is not so easy to do, because the bishop and knight do not coordinate well in cutting off the opponent's king. Mate can always be forced unless black can win a white piece, but, even with best play, the mate may take over 30 moves

1 comment:

  1. When the black king is alone, he could be defeated in any means. Depending to the powers left we can estimate the time to end the game. Having bishops will get the game earlier rather having the knights. Some beginners refuse to understand this fact. Mostly the alone king is cornered first and then mated with the powers
