Tuesday 3 November 2009

Unlimited Moves In The Game Of Chess

While playing the game of chess there are unlimited amounts as to how many time you can move.  It is just all depending on your opponent’s decisions. 

Just like all the other moves in the game, the first or opening moves are very important.  Every piece of chess moves in different directions:  the bishops can be moved in any direction as long as it is diagonally and any number of spaces; rooks can be moved horizontally or vertically and any number of spaces as well; the queen on the other hand can be move to various spaces horizontally, diagonally, or even vertically; however, the king can only be move to one square, but it can be vertically, diagonally, or horizontally; the knight can be move in the shape of an “L”, for example: one space vertically and then two spaces horizontally – also being able to jump over those occupied squares. 

Each player must protects their own pieces from the king of their opponent.  If your king is taken out, then you lose and the game is over!

1 comment:

  1. We could make as many moves we can, but according to me, a good player would not make unnecessary moves and the number of their moves would be limited but with a lot of meaning. I just like to say that, since one can make unlimited number of moves, it is not meant that one can while away the game by just moving the pieces. Each one of our move must be meaningful.
