Tuesday 3 November 2009

Tournament Guideline

When playing in a Chess tournament just like any other game there are always guidelines that everyone must follow.  Without following the guidelines that would be considered cheating.

When using the chess set for an official tournament you will want to be sure of the size of the chess pieces compared to the board.  With the generalized guidelines the base of the King should be 78 percent of the width to the square.  To be able to figure this out you will want to take the diameter of the King’s base and divide it by 0.78 and you should get the proper size of the square; however, it is okay if the squares size is increase by 1/8, it just cannot be no smaller than that. 

1 comment:

  1. I never know that there are guidelines even for chess that one must follow. I’ve participated in a couple of tournaments, and in those places the organizers provided the equipments. I think in all others tournaments, the organizers would provide the chess sets that are according to the guidelines.
