Tuesday 3 November 2009

Chess Sets Used For Decorations

In today’s market there are several types of chess sets.  Some that are made from different materials.  The best chess sets that are used for decoration purposes are the crystal or the “bone china” better known as glass. 

There are some people that do prefer to use the glass sets in a practical tournament.   

The crystal chess pieces tend to be a lot heavier than the china.  China chess sets typically feel a little bit lighter unless they are weight based. 

These chess sets are very classy and lovely to observe; however, fragile is a number one factor.  If you where to drop a piece more than likely it is going to break.   They also tend to show fingerprints and require to be dusted. 

1 comment:

  1. The chess sets used for decorations are very pleasant to see, crystal one in particular. I have even seen chess boards with silver and gold color checks. The pieces will also be in the same colors, with a lot of artistic works done in them. I’ve also seen boards and pieces made of ivory. They are more expensive and require a lot of maintenance. Anyway, it doesn’t make any difference in the game but, they are quite interesting to see.
