The Knight fork is the most popular tactical theme aside from the pin. Actually, the Knight fork is the special case of the Double attack-- an attack on two units by a single unit. But knight fork is particularly effective, and particularly dreaded, especially by inexperienced players. Sometimes Knight Fork appears in a simple setting. It is merely necessary to give a knight check as a preliminary to the winning fork. A Knight fork is often deadly in combination with a pin. Generally speaking, the most effective Knight forks are checks. Here in this diagram White attacks King and Queen; king must move; The Queen is lost. Finally, a Knight fork may often come at the very end of a combination, with an effect which is all the more Powerful.
The proceeding of double attack may be led to this knight fork attack. It can’t be a planned one, because the piece set up must be suitable for it. Since this is a random process it can’t be pre planed, when the knight fork is successful it always terminate high powers.