Tuesday 20 October 2009

About Chess...

Chess is a game of strategy and logic. It improves critical thinking, logic and reasoning skills; it also improves ability of abstract thinking. So we can say chess can also improve mathematical skills. It also refines ones ability to critically examine a situation, cause and effect. And using more rational thinking in examining life has its benefits that will last beyond a game of chess. Chess teaches attack and defense, but also it teaches counter-attack. It teaches the balance between time, material, and position. This game can help to develop ability to solve everyday problems, it can also help to become more patient. After all, this is a game that relies on the mind's ability to find solutions to problems.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! Chess has a lot of benefits for the people playing it. There has also been researches held since 70’s which proves that playing chess improves logical thinking and numerical skills and also the memory. People who play chess from their childhood are more successful with handling the situations than the others. This is because, while playing chess, it lets them to examine the situation and play accordingly with what they have, and moreover they develop the ability of foreseeing the consequences.
