Thursday, 31 December 2009
The Benefits of Chess Training
After highschool, Hudson served in the Air Force, worked as an Alabama state infantryman, and for a short time, owned Hudson's car Sales. But the relationship he developed with his prior teacher galvanized him to reach out to younger folk. He remembered how playing chess let him and his coach to form a life-altering bond. So, fitted out with faith and his savings of $20,000, Hudson set up Be Someone Inc. ( ). "I selected chess to enfranchise youth to make good decisions. There, they're taught that each move counts, whether positive or negative.
It is critical for me to be certain they make a positive move," claims Hudson, Birmingham's 1999 and 2,000 citywide chess champion.
"Chess teaches you that planning, info, viewpoint, abilities, and persistence all have special worth to the successful person." Hudson builds interest in his organization, which was set up in 2001, by hosting chess events at churches, shopping colonnades, and varsities in bankrupt and well off communities in metro Atlanta and national. He oversees a staff of 30 volunteers. According to Georgia trick cycle rider Irma Best, fresh methods to reach kids have a durable impact. "It's especially crucial to show bankrupt kids to other segments of society, help increase their self-worth, and expand their world view." For John Alexander, eleven, a student at Wynbrooke junior school in Stone Mountain, Georgia, playing chess with Hudson is challenging him to be a critical thinker in systems his school can't. "He teaches me the game of life through chess," says the 6th grader. "He taught me that you've got to work with other folks like the pieces to a chess game.
You need to go through teachers to get an education, work with instructors to get a degree, and work with bosses to get a job.".
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
What does checkmate mean?
The word checkmate comes from the Farsi language spoken Iran and Afghanistan. The phrase from the language goes as SHAH-K-MATE which means ‘the king is dead’. The word SHAH means ‘king’ and the word MATE has its root from English word ‘murder and Spanish word ‘matador’.
Check mate is a situation in which the king of a player is under attack by one or two pieces of opponent player. The game ends once the king is met with a check.
If the king is under attack but can escape the attack then it is said as check. When there are no moves to escape the attack and cannot avoid being captured then the situation is said as check mate. When any move taken may lead to a check for king this situation is known as stale mate and the game is a draw.
Checkmate can occur at any stage of the game, at the starting phase with few moves (it is known as fool’s mate), in the middle or at the end with only few pieces left on the board.
Two powerful pieces which can checkmate are the queen and the rook. Here one piece moves the king to the edge while the other piece checks the king.
Check mating with the queen is easiest and it takes at most ten steps to achieve. Checkmating with rook is another easiest method and occurs frequently. Checkmating with a bishop and knight is difficult to achieve and occurs less often. Checkmate with two bishops is common comparatively easier to that of a bishop and knights check mate.
Thursday, 24 December 2009
How can I justify playing chess so much?
Chess is more advantageous than any other game in the world. Playing a game like this often doesn’t makes you lose anything. In fact you go on to win a number of characteristic which would simply be a dream to you if not for this game. It only brightens you and makes you shine in the competition. Playing chess often improves your focusing power and facilitates visualization which is an important attribute of budding designers. It enables us to think ahead and abstractly. It develops independence among children and individuals. It is the game that helps us analyze actions. It provides fun with motivation to the lovers. It is not the game of discouraging as the players are courage enough to be competitive.
It also tests our patience in protecting ourselves as we resemble the king in the chessboard. These ideas can be used in ones real life too. We can find solutions to the toughest problems by making use of the strategies which we used in this game.
The game makes it possible. We can’t be blamed for playing chess often as we are focused to Independent development and rationalized thinking.
Friday, 13 November 2009
Famous Chess Players…
Throughout the many years that people have played chess, there have been some awesome players within the competitions of their legions. From Bobby Fischer, Paul Morphy, and Garry Kasparov, they all have their very on style, personality, and story when it comes to a game of chess.
If you are a person that is interest in the game of chess, you should check out these famous people and their wonderful stories about their experiences with chess! Once you read about all these famous chess competitors you might realize that they have something in common like yourself. Hopefully it will be that you all love to play a game of chess!
“God Save The Queen” an old saying..
Just like the old saying “God Save The Queen” it does not apply to the game of chess. Many people tend to argue that by keeping your queen is the difference between winning the game or losing, there are other people no matter what you try to keep it is all about sacrifices no matter if they are painful. People that are playing a game of chess try to help protect their queen throughout the whole game and never try to protect any others. This could lead to a down fall within your game if you become over protective of your queen during the game!
Chess Offense or Defense?
Are you on offense or defense during your game of chess?
If you have become a beginner with the fun filled game of chess there is a lot that you will need to understand. The first thing that you will want to comprehend is when you are being attacked or when you need to defend. Several players that are new to the game quickly tend to be on offense and try to look for a fast way to defend their opponent. However, this is a bad decision when it comes to a game of chess. You want to think of the game of chess as a game of war, where you are trying to defend your king, along with your army.
Are you double pawns?
When you have double pawns that tends to lead to a weak game. Double pawns is generally known when you have two pawns that are directly in front of each other. This will result in an early capture. Not only does it result in an early capture, but the double pawns will become the isolated pawns. This means that your pawns will not be able to be defended by other pawns nor will the be able to guard. So, if you have two pawns on the game board that are in the a vertical file and do not have the ability to have a guard with one another, then this major weakness will begin to haunt you towards the end of the game!
3 Kinds of Draws
Most people tend to think that stalemates are the only draws that can be made during the game of chess; however, it is not. It is the most commonly used, but not the only. There are two other kinds of draws such as the three fold repetition or the fifty move rule. If you are wanting to win the game you will want to try to avoid the draws and use checkmate!
Stalemates are known as it being your opponent’s turn and they do not have any legal moves that can be made except, the king and it is illegal for the king to check its self. If this is the case neither will win this game.
The three fold repetition is when a same position is played three times during that game then, either one of the players are able to claim on a draw.
Last but not least the fifty move rule within the fifty consecutive moves there is no movements with the pawns, and there are no captures.
Be sure that you try and avoid all these draws, so that you can win the game!
Private Chess Lesson Really Worth Your Money?
Are you a person that is interested in learning chess or are you already a beginner that is wanting to learn more about the game of chess? If so you should consider hiring a personal chess trainers. It could become a very useful. A chess trainer can help you to get the feel of the game, along with all the crafty lessons that you will want to know. To find the best trainer you might want to ask others that are playing at clubs or tournaments if they recommend anyone to be an awesome trainer. If you search online you should be able to find a teacher that gives online lessons for a low rate also.
Computerized Chess
Are you considering playing a game of chess, but can not decide you are wanting to just purchase the computerized game board or play online. Playing a game of chess on the computer will make it easier for you to notice what is happening. The computerized chess boards are a different experience compared to a regular chess boards. Computerized chess boards have been around for a long time. They where actually on the market before the computer was actually built. However, they did not come to life until after the digital computers. There are various different types of computerized chess boards you will just have to find the one that you really like!
The Weakest Link…
Are you the weakest link in chess? I would hope not, but in the game of chess there are a piece called the pawn. It is considered one of the weakest links. The pawn is limited to their own movements. You are only allowed to move the pawn piece in a forward movement, it can not be moved backwards. So, be sure when you move your pawn piece that you are moving it in the direction that you are wanting it to be moved in. So is your pawn piece one of the weakest link during your game of chess?
The Queen has entered the room…
In a game of chess the queen has been considered the most powerful and awesome piece in the game. The options that you have with the Queen are almost unlimited! You are capable of moving in any direction vertically, horizontally, diagonally, whichever direction you prefer with your queen piece. Not only can you her in any direction, but you can also move to as many squares as you would prefer. So, just remember in your game of chess the that the queen is capable of almost everything possible, so make sure you are keeping your eyes out for the best move that she is capable of allowing you to make!
Why does my knight keep winking at me?
Why is that knight keep winking at me while I am playing my game of chess? He has something up his sleeve I believe!
A knight is generally the easiest piece to recognized. You will notice that it is the knight piece because it looks the the horse. The knight piece is capable of moving around in some of the strangest places and patterns. The patterns that it can move are sometimes difficult to begin to explain; however, some people tend to describe it as it is making an L-shape. The knight is also the only piece that is able to make a jump over another piece. So, when your knight piece begins to wink at you take the leap!
I hate chess, but like the new girl in the chess club
I hate chess, but like the new girl in the chess club… after acting like I was playing chess, I realize this cute girl sitting across the room. I did not want to get involved with the game anymore I wanted to get to know her. So, I walked over to the table where she was, sat down, started a brief conversation with here. Next thing I knew we was playing in a game of chess together. The next day I invited her for another round and she meet me there. So when you are trying to find the perfect date check out the chess rooms, you never know who you might find.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Unlimited Moves In The Game Of Chess
While playing the game of chess there are unlimited amounts as to how many time you can move. It is just all depending on your opponent’s decisions.
Just like all the other moves in the game, the first or opening moves are very important. Every piece of chess moves in different directions: the bishops can be moved in any direction as long as it is diagonally and any number of spaces; rooks can be moved horizontally or vertically and any number of spaces as well; the queen on the other hand can be move to various spaces horizontally, diagonally, or even vertically; however, the king can only be move to one square, but it can be vertically, diagonally, or horizontally; the knight can be move in the shape of an “L”, for example: one space vertically and then two spaces horizontally – also being able to jump over those occupied squares.
Each player must protects their own pieces from the king of their opponent. If your king is taken out, then you lose and the game is over!
Chess Main Equipment
In the game of chess there are several different features that you will want to be sure that you are familiar with. First off, the main equipment that is required for you to be able to start playing your chess game is that you have a chess board along with the chess pieces.
The chess board should be a square that has 64 squares that are equal in size and drawn all the way across. Generally in white and black or other colors that are contrasting, the square’s colors should be alternated.
Your chess set should also include a total of 32 pieces. Each player should receive 16 pieces each, including; two knights, eight pawns, two rooks, two bishops, one king, and one queen. Be sure that they are all the same color!
The Game Of Chess
If you are searching for a game that will require a lot of your mental skills and also concentration then playing a game of chess is what you need.
Chess is a game that has been designed for two people to determine several different strategies to help defend off the other player. This is a complex game that has numerous moves and possible tactics if you know what you are doing. Generally, every move that is made will depend on what your opponent’s move might be.
Chess was discovered back in the 2nd BC century and has become a very popular game every since.
Chess Sets Used For Decorations
In today’s market there are several types of chess sets. Some that are made from different materials. The best chess sets that are used for decoration purposes are the crystal or the “bone china” better known as glass.
There are some people that do prefer to use the glass sets in a practical tournament.
The crystal chess pieces tend to be a lot heavier than the china. China chess sets typically feel a little bit lighter unless they are weight based.
These chess sets are very classy and lovely to observe; however, fragile is a number one factor. If you where to drop a piece more than likely it is going to break. They also tend to show fingerprints and require to be dusted.
Be Sure Your Chess Set Does Not Have Uniformity
When purchasing your new chess set be sure that you check out all your pieces, especially be sure to look at the knights. These pieces could represent up to half of the total cost that you might have with all the other chess pieces. Not only does that add to the cost of your chess set, but the quality of the finish, turnings, and also the uniformity will make up the cost of your chess set. Also the craftsmanship will be another feature you will want to check out, the King’s crown is generally decorated. Do not forget that your Knight and King are the two most important chess pieces to your chess set!
Wooden Chess Sets Have Special Considerations!
When purchasing a chess set that is made from wood, then it is very important that you have chosen the best quality of wood that is being offered.
Wood is an awesome material for your chess set. The pawns feel like they are solid and the wood make a very impressive style and look.
There is only one disadvantage to a wooden chess set, they tend to be really heavy; therefore, they are not your ideal chess set for traveling with. The wooden chess sets are a wonderful addition to your office or home.
The wood chess sets tend to range for $50 to $5000. An ebony chess set will cost you more than the rosewood, with even expensive than the boxwood. The least expensive chess sets are typically made from walnut, pine, or oak. So, when trying to decide on which wooden chess set you want to purchase, let your budget be the best guide for you!
Durability of Chess Sets
If you are planning on using your chess set on a daily basis or joining a club or tournament you will want to be sure that you chess set is very durable.
The heavier plastic chess sets are one the best choices that you could choose. If you are searching for a chess set that you will be able to take anywhere you would like to take it then I highly suggest that you purchase the travel chess set that is smaller and more compact. Most of the travel chess sets are generally pegged or magnetic so that it will help to protect your game pieces from being jolted or bumped. With the travel set it can be easily put away, the board could be folded up, along with the pawns tucked inside it. You could possible find a cheap travel set for around $20.00 or even a basic one for possible less than $10.00.
Tournament Guideline
When playing in a Chess tournament just like any other game there are always guidelines that everyone must follow. Without following the guidelines that would be considered cheating.
When using the chess set for an official tournament you will want to be sure of the size of the chess pieces compared to the board. With the generalized guidelines the base of the King should be 78 percent of the width to the square. To be able to figure this out you will want to take the diameter of the King’s base and divide it by 0.78 and you should get the proper size of the square; however, it is okay if the squares size is increase by 1/8, it just cannot be no smaller than that.
Choosing the Best Chess Set
In today’s society there are several Chess sets that are on the shelves today. When trying to make the decision on which one to purchase it tends to be a little bit confusing. Some people do not intend on playing with a chess set, some just want it for a living room or den decoration. Here are some important tips that you will want to remember when purchasing your chess set:
- Determine what your purpose is for the chess set. Are you going to play it or is it just going to be used as a decoration? If you plan on play with the set then you will want to look for the practical sets. One that will fit your style!
- Price you are willing to spend. It is recommended that you purchase a good quality chess set that will fit your budget. If you buy the best quality set it could last you a lifetime.
- Tournament Guidelines are very important when you are planning on practicing up for a tournament. You will want to make sure that you are considering the chess piece sizes in relationship with the board.
Software for Chess Training
Are you interested in learning how to play Chess? In today’s society there are a lot of ways to learn something new every day; however, with the help of Chess software you can learn how to play in no time.
Chess software is mainly designed to help improve your moving calculation skill and visualization skills when playing Chess. These are a few of the essential yet basic skills that you will want to be sure and learn in order to be able to move up to being a master!
Several Chess software trainings will help to teach you all the strategies to help win again your opponent and all his or her moves!
Monday, 2 November 2009
Fight Piece ~ The King
Some people might not ever place chess before. Here is a quick tip, the king is your fighting piece! You will want to be sure and use it!
Wilhelm Steinitz, known as one of the World’s First Champion In Chess describes the king and always states to “USE IT!” However, several people always think of the king as a generally liability. It helps to protect you at any cost, but sometimes the cost gets to high you consider giving up your efforts. When you have survived till the end of the game and you only have pawns that are around you will might reconsider and think about what Steinitz loves to state! USE IT!
Chess Is A Great Math Game For Children
Chess is the best thinking game that is out on the market today! It is known as a very fair game and the players are responsible for their fate, without all the interventions of luck of by chance. The only that that could be considered luck to you is the mistake of your opponent.
When playing a game of chess the players will need to think, analyze everything, plan, visualize, and make the decision if the moves are the best strategies, so that they might be able to say “checkmate” to their other opponent.
If you taught your child how to play this game they would be able to perform better within the academic world. Some countries even introduce this fun game as a school curriculum.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
About Chess...
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Attack or defense?
Chess fans know that the attacking, or so called romantic style, was predominant in 19th century. At that time, intricate methods of defense were non-existent. If your opponent scarified q pawn or a piece, you were supposed to accept the sacrifices and fight back afterward. It is only close of the century, philosophers formulated the greatest technique of defense.
Method of Attack
In most of the games, one side, by gradually accumulating minor positional pluses, obtains so called positional advantage. In such situation, the best way is to proceed from the slow and purposeful manoeuvres to energetic action characterized by offensive operations and constant concrete tactical blows.
This method of chess is called the attack. There are many types of attack, for instance, lightning attacks, requiring two to three moves to decide the game. Most of the time, enemy king is the target of the attack.
Forcing Continuation
The art of positional play is not duly appreciated by the rank-and-file, who often fail to understand why grand masters are so good in carrying out beautiful and effective attacks. Many amateurs can solve, no worse than well-known masters, problems and studies. And only upon plunging seriously into the intricacies of the game, do they realize that the opportunities for the proper attacks and combinations are not, as a rule, spontaneous, but they result from positional play based on the observance of the laws of the chess strategy.
Therefore, who want to succeed in the game of chess should realize that combinative and positional plays do not oppose, but rather complement each other.
The Art of Planning
The mate is the ultimate and the most desired object of the game, and ‘play for mate from the first move’ is a wish to satisfy the desire.
Firstly, you should develop your pieces according to a certain pattern to achieve some superiority, in certain areas of chess board.
Then you should increase the pressure, in order to obtain concrete positional or material advantage in game.
And finally, you should be careful in exploiting all your advantages in the endgame.
Choosing the opening
It is always suggested to start the game with the center pawn. The white Pawn on e4 controls the important d5 square, waiting for reinforcement on d4. As you can see, white’s aims are straight forward and clear cut, and it is natural, that all the opening starting with 1 e4 are referred to as ‘open’ or ‘semi-open’.
The most fundamental reaction is undoubtedly the symmetrical reply with the black king’s pawn. So, one should take care in choosing and opening.
Errors made in initial stage
First of all, it is important to remember that the most vulnerable points in the King side Defense are those protected by the king alone. In the initial position, these points are the f2 and f7 pawns; after kingside castling, they are the h2, g2, h7, and g7 pawns. Protection of these squares is of foremost importance. Experience shows that, as a rule, it is o these square that disasters occur in even the most sophisticated opening systems.
Avoid disaster in the opening
A chess game, to a certain extent, is similar to military combat, where lot depends not only on the technical abilities and the equipment of the troops, but the ability of the commanders to force the contour of the forthcoming battle and deploy troops accordingly, in order to commit them in due time, and in the most favorable sequence. It for this reason, every player, who directs the action of his wooden troops, ought to know the basic game in the opening.
Dynamism and Initiative
Then what is dynamism in the game of chess? In expert’s opinion, dynamism is the strengthening of the positions of one’s pieces with each move and threatening of the opponent’s pieces. To make the move successful, they have to fall within the rule of the game and to be based on a solid tactical foundation.
A chess player, with reputation as energetic individual, normally tries from the very outset to impose his own style on the opponent, forcing him to tackle numerous problems.
The Pawn structures
Before the game starts, the opponent pawns are lined up on the original square. While advancing forward, they support each other and restrict the mobility of opponent’s Pieces. Experienced chess player, often make material sacrifices, in order to a mobile, flexible line of Pawns protecting each other.
How to gain space?
The Pin
Occasionally, the screened objective is not a piece at all, but a critical square, an entry point. Again, if the pinned piece moves off the line, the attacking piece enters the critical square, usually with fatal effect to the king.
The fork
In theory, any chess piece has the capability of forking two enemy pieces. Knight fork and Queen Fork occurs with most frequency, then come bishop, rooks and pawn forks. A fork by the king is rarely seen.
The arrangement of positions is according to the pieces that is doing the forking. Knight forks are trickiest, so they get most attention.
Piece co-ordination
This slogan will work until you are at least at expert level. But once you get to strong expert level and want to make move to the master level, you will find that your opponents make fewer tactical errors. You will have to start relying on piece co-ordination to create position in which you tactical ability shine.
Why plans are important? Certainly, they are not necessary to play the game of chess. After all, chess program do not plan, at least not in traditional sense.
Playing dangerously
Once you have developed a chess style, try to focus all your attention on
1) Forcing the game into positions which suit your style and
2) Further developing your style in that style.
If you have followed the chess vision and seven circle drill and have made them your basis chess style, you will prefer:
• Open position to close position
• Unorthodox positions to well-studied one
• Complicate middle game
• Simple opening to theoretical openings
• Pieces endgame to pawn endgames
This style of play has immediate implications for various aspects of your play.
Three key ingredients to become a master
1) Play as frequent as possible and against good players.
2) Analyze you game and try to figure out what mistakes that you have committed.
3) Study the tactics and try to implement them without any tactical error.
You should try to play various tournaments. This will help you learning your weakness. Try to implement your plan as fast as possible. By doing this you will commit less mistakes. Try to figure out what is going on your opponents mind.

After every game, you should analyze it with a chess program and produce a chess program. Let us take an example. Consider the graph shown in the figure. This graph shows how the computer program evaluate the position every white moves during the course of the game.
With a quick glance at the figure, you can see that the white has a significant advantage early in the game, and then he frittered away and had to regain in the endgame. You can see that the black has a 1.5 pawn error.
Look at the figure. White should have concentrate on the move 16 to 28, during which he lost over one point.
How to implement a plan?
1) Improve the mobility of pieces.
2) Prevent the opponent from castling.
3) Trade off pawns.
4) Keep the queen on the board.
Always force yourself to implement your plan. No “long thinks” are allowed. Just spent about 5 minutes on a position, and win approximately 10 percent of your game, because your opponent gets into trouble. At class level, spending time and creating a complicated plan is often counterproductive. When you are implementing a long plan, you will surely make a tactical error.
Time management in the game of chess
1) Make a physical movement. You can shuffle your legs, move around in your chair, move your arms up and down, or wiggle your toes. This will provide you relaxation. (5 seconds; total time: 5 seconds)
2) Look at the chess board with a vision, the ability developed by going through micro-level chess drills. (10 seconds; total time: 15 seconds)
3) Understand what the opponent is threatening. (20 seconds; total time: 35 seconds)
4) Write the opponent moves on the score sheet. (5 seconds; total time: 40 seconds)
5) If the opponent has serious threat, then respond. If not, then calculate the tactical sequence. If no tactical sequence exists, implement a plan. (70 seconds; total time: 110 seconds)
6) Write down my moves. (5 seconds; total time: 115 seconds)
7) Imagine the position after I make my and use chess vision to check the position. If chess vision does not locate any problem, make the move and press the clock. If chess vision does locate a problem, go back to step 1. (10 seconds; total time: 125 seconds)
8) Make sure that you have pressed the clock.
Alternatives to CT-ART 3.0
Combinational Motifs by Blokh is an excellent book. Even the software CT-ART 3.0 is based on this tome. Unfortunately, it is arranged by theme, so you will have to jump around the book to order the puzzles by difficulty. Solve this problem by photocopying the book and the counting out the tactical puzzles and rearranging them by difficulty.
The Manual Of Chess Combination by Sergey Ivashchenko is also a goog introductory book with over 1,300 positions.
CT-ART 3.0-A Great program for seven circles
The Seven circles-Improve your tactics
Before starting the seven circles, you will need to collect about 1000 tactical problems. Then you will go through this set seven times. You will take 64 days to make the first pass through all of the problems, averaging about 16 problems a day. Then you will cut the amount to 32 days and go through the problems again. You will repeat this problem and end up doing all the 1000 problems in one day.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
How to create your own chess vision drill?

First of all, you must understand the essential feature of chess vision drill and its simplicity. The goal is to strip away the complexity that is usually presented on the chess board and focus on just one concept at a time. Once that feature has been isolated and a chess vision drill has been created that captures that feature, the drill is repeated over and over.
As long as you follow these steps- simplification followed by repetition- you can create your own chess vision drill to work on the weakness in your game.
The diagram shows a position to understand the importance of chess drill.
The Knight Attack Drill

The king attack chess version drill improves your ability to attack the king. After you finish this drill, your ability to finish off the attack when opposing king is exposed will be greatly improved.
Place a white queen and the black king on the board. Put some pawns in front of the black king. Now moves the queen in the minimal number of positions where it can checks the king and cannot be captured.
In the diagram, there are many possible two moves solution: e4-e8, e2-e8, b2-h2, f5-f8, f2-f8 and g6-e8 are just some of them.
Once you have found a solution, move the queen to another square on the board and repeat all the process. Continue until you have calculated a check from every square on the board.
Pawn mines drill

The pawn mine drill is opposite to the Pawn grab drill. Instead of focusing on the capturing of the pawns, you should focus on moving a piece to a target square without landing on any square that a pawn attacks.
For example, see the example given.
What are the minimal moves the rook must makes to reach h5 without landing on a square where it can be captured by a black pawn? Note that h3-h5 does not work because on h3, the rook can be captured by the g4 pawn. Another two-move path, c5-h5, does not work because the rook can be captured by the b6 pawn.
The shortest number of moves is three. The path c2-h2-h5 is an example, as are c1-h1-h5 and c8-h8-h5. For drill try to focus on finding all the minimal paths.
Pawn Grab Drill

This drill will help you to see the quickest way to move your piece to capture your opponent’s pawns. This drill is particularly useful for the rook and the pawn endings.
To work this drill place a white rock on the square and then place any number of black pawn on the board. See the diagram given.
Now I your mind’s eye, calculate the shortest number of moves required for the rook to capture all the pawns. Now moves the rook to each square on the board and repeat the process.
After you have gone through each square on the board with this particular pawn, set-up yourself and you will notice different patterns.
The knight flight Drill
To execute the knight flight drill, start with the knight on a1 and move it to b1 in the shortest number of moves, just as the knight sight drill. As with the knight sight drill, physically hit the knight moves to, but do not move the knight itself.
Once you have completed the a1-b1 circuit, move the knight from a1-c1. The shortest path is now just two moves; b-c1. As above physically hit the b3-square and the c1 square with your finger.
With the knight on a1 continue through the standard loop, going through the entire square on the board.
The Knight Sight

This micro drill is known as knight sight. It is designed to make the squares that a knight can move to ‘pop out’. Begin by placing a knight on a1 and physically hit the square that it can move to (c2 and b3) with your finger. See the given figure for your reference. Then move the knight to a2 and repeat the process. Continue until you reach a8 and then move back to b1, going row by row until you reach h1.
Once your knight meets your standards, you are ready to move on the next step. Place the knight on d5 and calculate the minimum number of moves that it takes the knight to d4. You can prove that it takes exactly three moves. By doing this you will be able to move to every position on chess board, when required.
Concentric Square- the Chess Vision Drill

Let us practice this thing with the help of an example. Start with placing the black king on d5 and a black rook on d4. Now start placing the white queen on every square where the queen can safely forks the Black King and Rook. Once you have determined that there are no such square, move the rook in a square around the king i.e. square e4, e5, e6, d6, c6, c5 and c4, and look for the fork and skewers. When you are able to find such a square, physically lift up the white queen and place it on the square. Note that the black king can recapture the Queen after Queen Capture the rook is not valid option. Focus only on the position in which the capture of the rook is safe.
The overworked piece

It is the basic rule of nature that no man can serve two masters. And in chess, no piece can simultaneously guard two pieces without becoming a target of attack. The principle is clear and simple: a piece which is performing more than one function is especially venerable to hostile attack.
Let us understand this concept with the help of an example. In the given diagram, the black Queen plays a vital protective role. Consequently, white can win by constantly harrying The Black Queen until it is forced to give up its protective function. Everything is clear from the given diagram.
Queening combinations

This is one of the most important of all the tactical themes. For successful queening of the pawn is equivalent to being a Queen ahead. And even if your opponent loses “only” a piece in getting rid of the new Queen, he has suffered a disastrous material loss.
Since successful pawn promotion is so valuable a resource, it offers considerable scope for striking sacrifices of material. Thus, it is well worth while to sacrifice one’s queen in order to promote to a new Queen which gives checkmate in the act of queening.
In the given figure, it is interesting as showing how the potential queening possibility can inspire a player to create a whole series of pretty tactical stokes. Given a clue of the situation- in this case the location of a pawn on the seventh rank- a player can think up one resourceful move after another. But the initial impetus is the most important of all, and that is why it is of great value to be well aware or the enormous power of the pawn promotion.
The venerable first rank

Some of the most brilliant combinations ever made have come about exploiting the venerable first rank. This happens when the castled king is hemmed by pawns in front of him, and his first rank is unprotected by a queen or rook.
Let us explain this with an example. Observe the given diagram. Here white can offer his queen and the rook, relying on the weakness of the Black’s unprotected first rank. Such sacrifices look startling, but they become quite obvious, once you are familiar with the weakness which they will exploit.
learn this scarifies and you will teach your opponent a nice lesson.
Surprise move

Occasionally we see moves that are so remarkable that they do not fit into any systematic classification. Or even if they do, they are so astounding that their surprise value is the most impressive thing about them. Still other surprise moves are notable because they violate a standard rule.
To consider the last group first, examine the given diagram. It is well known that a rook is helpless against far-advanced passes Pawns, and our first impulse would be to dismiss this position as a perfect case in point. Yet White does not resign; he allows black to queen, and then sacrifices his Rook. Suddenly it turns out that White has a mate in three! Instead of being dismayed at this violation of general principles, we are of course delighted.
Defensive combinations

This may seem a surprising subject for a book on tactical motifs. But defense is not merely passive, and in fact the best defense is never merely passive. Resourceful defense often calls for a through mastery of tactics. Without such mastery, many a desperate position would utterly collapse.
Let us explain Defensive combination, with the help of an example. See the given diagram. In this diagram, White, who is just about to lose his Queen, seems on the point of resigning. Yet he evolves a neat plan for winning Black’s Queen in return. And in the last analysis, this plan depends on a Knight Fork.
It has been best said that counter attack is the best defense.
Trapped man

The most common example of this theme is the trapping of bishop in net of pawns. This case of trapped man can be best explained with the help of example. Trapped man example has been show in the diagram. This opening trap is also known as “The Nosh’s Ark Trap.”
But other units can be trapped, too, and strangely enough the queen, the mightiest of all the pieces, is particularly venerable to a pincer movement executed by pieces of lesser value.
This is one of the best attacks you will see in your chess game. Nevertheless, this attack is old, but it is quite effective.
Queen sacrifice

No matter how experienced and sophisticated a chess player may be, he is always thrilled by a queen sacrifice. This is understandable, for the queen is far and away the strongest of all the chess forces.
Precisely because the queen is so powerful, the sacrifice of the piece must necessarily bring in substantial returns. Mate in usually the sequel of queen sacrifice. Let us explain this with an example. See the given diagram. Here White offers the queen in a manner which is surprisingly but hardly generous. He threatens mate, and when the queen id captured, he mates just the same. Still, such a sacrifice deserves our praise, for it take real imagination to see the possibilities in such a position.

When you are subjecting your opponent’s king to a very powerful attack and he lacks adequate support by his pieces, you can make all sorts of brilliant sacrifices.
In the given diagram, black runs into one of the most curious checkmates ever performed on the chess board. His king is driven right down the board and mated by a castling move. Such extraordinary happenings are to be expected when a king has already been harried toward the center of the board.
Even in the endgame stage, with material simplified, the king may be exposed to serious tactical dangers. So we should take a care of these things.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Attacking the guard

Generally there are some hostile pieces in the opponents closet, with the motive of of stopping your attack to the other crucial pieces.
for e.g. in figure, Black's Knight at King 5 is attacked by Queen and Bishop and defended by Queen and Bishop. So White removes the guarding Bishop in order to attack the Knight.
Interference move

For e.g. in diagram, White’s first move leaves Black in utter confusion. If he captures the Rook with his King pawn, he is subjected to mate. And if he captures with his Queen, the result is again same.
Clearance Sacrifce

Sacrifice is crucial in every aspect and same holds true in the game of Chess.
Sometimes, you have a very attacking plan in your mind but due to non availability of a specific square, you are not able to apply it. So making a sacrifice, in order to clear the way for your plan is known as CLEARANCE SACRIFICE.
For e.g. in diagram, White clears its square King 5 by sacrificing Knight. Though this move seems senseless but it was necessary and further it is followed by a Queen sacrifice. So after these two senseless moves, the Black is subjected to double Check and a Check mate. So now you can say, these weren't senseless moves.
Resourceful defense

There are books always compelling on various attacking positions but less stress is laid on the defense moves. It should be noted that defense is never passive. Even masters find it difficult to apply their tactics for a resourceful defense. Such a defense is necessary to avoid collapsing at the crucial moments of the game. For e.g. in diagram, when White is about to lose its Queen, seems very helpless and about to resign. But you can notice, he plans a technique to take away Black’s Queen in return. You can see, this plan is implemented on Knight fork.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Compelled Move

Usually a move considered as a blessing in the chess game, but this one is a curse..!!
Chess Community
Chess game timings ranging from as low as 10 seconds to unlimited time can be played using the online software of these communities. Furthermore, you can have a detailed analysis of your game from an online chess master available with the chess community.
So every chess lover should be a member of at least one international chess community to get the latest happenings in chess round the globe.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Digital Chess Clock

Digital Chess clocks have replaced the traditional mechanical clocks.These type of clocks are very useful. These have some added advantages over the earlier time clocks.It contains large moving lever for changing turn. It is easily noticeable with large 12-13 mm time display. There is a single front button to reset the time. Most important, it has a battery back up of up to 10 hours. Also, there is a facility of exceed time display i.e. negative count. There is a different time display for each player. Few other functions are :
# Also there is warning sound for last 5 seconds.
# Sound function can be switched off and on during the game
# 4 years battery life with 2 X AA batteries used.
# Dimensions: 14.4 cm X 13.4 cm X 7 cm.
# Clock and Battery weight: 250 grams
X-ray or Skewer attack

X- ray attack is just opposite of Pin attack. In the X-ray attack , there is a movement of respective pieces. In this, a piece attacks a hostile piece that is situated on a line with the another piece but with lesser value. Furthermore, when the attacked piece moves off the line, it exposes the second piece to capture. This process is really very effective as shown in the diagram.
For e.g., when White’s rook maneuvers the Black forces into an X-ray position. There upon White’s Rook X-rays the Black’s king and thus wins the black rook.
Funny but true...
I had lunch with a chess champion the other day. I knew he was a chess champion because it took him 20 minutes to pass the salt.
Chess may be the deepest, least exhaustible of pastimes, but it is nothing more. As for a chess genius, he is a human being who focuses vast, little-understood mental gifts and labors on an ultimately trivial human enterprise.
I failed to make the chess team because of my height.
The Weak Castling move
This type of mistake offers make you lose devastatingly. Further more, there are numerous attacks that may make use of open lines, leading to the hostile king. This way, even castling move cannot save your king from opponent forces.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Chess Pieces you will love to have
1. One should possess regarding the pieces and set material. Usually they made up of wood, crystal, stone etc. Best type of pieces are made up of Budrose and Ebony.
2. Secondly, usually pieces are hand made or machine carved, so one should examine them closely, which shape you require, resembling the original shape.
3. Finally, if you don't want have any basic knowledge regarding the material and pieces, ask any good chess player or chess lover.
It is a fact that playing chess with your favorite pieces always makes you feel good internally .
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Isle of Lewis
Ace the Center
1. First, a central piece controls the board more efficiently than anywhere else. For example, if we place one Knight on a center square and if another one in one of the corners of the board.
2. We know, the Knight in the center can only move to eight different squares, while the "cornered" one can only go to two possible moves!
3. Now, control of the center is essential as it provides an avenue for your pieces to move from one side of the board to the other side.
4. A piece which is moved from one corner to other is often taken through center . So if our piece can reach the other end before opponents piece, we can have an upper edge. We will often be able to mount a successful attack there before he can bring over enough pieces to defend.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
The Double Attack

The Double Attack is simultaneous attack by a single unit on two hostile units. This attack is economical and profitable. It appeals to the player who knows how to get the maximum effects from his pieces. The Queen, with its wide cruising range and ability to attack in several directions by vertical, lateral, and diagonal moves, is the ideal piece for Double Attack. In the given diagram, the Queen threatens mate in one direction and menaces an unguarded knight in another direction. Result: white wins a Knight by force. But even a lowly Pawn can engineer a Double Attack. As a matter of fact, the Pawn fork is particularly dangerous because the pawn has least value of any chess Unit.
The Knight Fork

The Knight fork is the most popular tactical theme aside from the pin. Actually, the Knight fork is the special case of the Double attack-- an attack on two units by a single unit. But knight fork is particularly effective, and particularly dreaded, especially by inexperienced players. Sometimes Knight Fork appears in a simple setting. It is merely necessary to give a knight check as a preliminary to the winning fork. A Knight fork is often deadly in combination with a pin. Generally speaking, the most effective Knight forks are checks. Here in this diagram White attacks King and Queen; king must move; The Queen is lost. Finally, a Knight fork may often come at the very end of a combination, with an effect which is all the more Powerful.