Sunday, 30 August 2009

The Baron Ultimate Chess Set - Holy Moly!

Someone once described it as a horse that looked as if it was in it's death throes - but the majority regard it's bold, even courageous design notes to be a masterful accomplishment. We do. The knight is breathtaking in a number of ways. It looks powerful, it looks scary, it looks like it's gonna do a job on the other side for you - but the other side has it's own pair too. It looks ready to pounce, even ready to punish you, it's owner, it's mover and decision maker, if you dare to make a weak move. The other pieces compliment the lovely 'little' horsey. The king stands 6" high, the queen only a smidge lower. Well - to keep control of that thing with a mane you have to have some stature yourself - right? And a clock to time it's gallops around the board arena. Go horsey, Go!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Why Would Anyone Choose To Buy A Decorative Chess Set Like The Battle Of Waterloo

For professional chess players, one question often asked is why would someone be interested in decorative chess sets instead of a high quality set. The answer is rather simple: most people are not professional players and only play chess as a leisure game.

Some examples of why people would prefer to purchase a decorative set includes people that would like to display the chess set in their home as a decor item and also a family that purchases a set to play during “Family Game Night”.

For the person that is looking to display the chess set as a decor item may select a version of the set that is unique and more decorative than the regular, generic set. They may wish to have a chess set with crystal pieces or even a set that is modeled after the Battle of Waterloo.

Then there is the typical family that is looking for a chess set to be used during one of their game nights. To them, they may want something special that could be passed down through the generations or they may want something that will help capture the attention of the younger members of the family.

Whatever the reason may be, having a decorative chess set is not a bad thing. No matter what type of chess set a person selects, it's the joy of the game that matters.

Monday, 17 August 2009

ST2012 New York Limited Edition Chess Set

If nothing else, these pieces in this chess set have alot of creativity value in them. It's not your ordinary pawn, queen, king, bishop set. The whole set is based off of New York City, featuring the Statue of Liberty, cabs, the Empire State Building, and NYC police on horseback. One side in white (I'm guessing day time) and one side in black (I'm guessing night time) Only downside is that there isn't a crap-load of quality material used in this. Just normal marble, which I guess makes me spoiled sense I'm use to seeing stuff made from fancy camel bone and things like that.

ST2011 Golf Hand Painted Chess Set

Hmmm, I haven't seen a chess set this colorful in a long time. I love all the pieces in this set just for the fact that they are all so wonderfully colored. It makes that pop out from all the rest of the products that are usually in black and white. Not only are these pieces just painted, they are painted with detail. All the golfers have a hint of pink on their cheeks, and individual hairs on their face. That is more detail than alot of makers put into these things. And it doesn't cost much more either.

ST2010 Dinosaur Humour Chess Set

Ya know, it's not often you come across a chess set this humorous. Not haha funny, but all the characters are extremely cute and funny looking. Little dinosaurs coming out of eggs, vultures texting. It's almost like a cartoon for 8 year olds. I think this would be a wonderful set for a collector who has any sense in humor. The king and the queen are my favorite pieces. Oh, and who could forget that baby dinosaur popping out from its egg with its tongue stickin' out.

ST2009 Classical Themes Chess Set

I think several of the pieces in this set are pretty amazing. Not like Michael Jackson amazing, but ya know. Only one problem - I'm fine with nudity. No problem, but when I'm out playing chess, I really don't want to sit and look at a man's genitalia for 2 hours straight. Again, no problem with nudity, just not quite comfortable after a few hours of having to stare at it. Besides that, all the pieces are pretty well designed. And like all full-fledged Americans, I didn't bother reading the description, so I'm not sure what the set is based on, but I would guess something like Greek times.

Friday, 14 August 2009

DGT2029 Wenge DGT Electronic Chessboard (E-Board) USB Port Version. Design Pieces

If your interested in buying a DGT electronic chess board, you will want to look into it to make sure you get just the right specs you want. This one comes with a wenge chess board (looks pretty fancy in the pictures) and also comes with design chess pieces, which are made to look like a sharp contemporary style. Also included is a USB port so it can all come together with its many fancy computerized features.

DGT2028 Wenge DGT Electronic Chessboard (E-Board) USB Port Version. Classic Pieces

The chess pieces that come with this electronic chess board are probably my favorite. What I like so much about them is that they are black and white. not brown and beige. And for some reason that is appealing to me. Also the knight may be the greatest piece in the set. It's dot dimples in it's cheeks and a smerk on it's face. Kinda Looks pretty nice if that's your kind of style.

DGT2027 Wenge DGT Electronic Chessboard (E-Board) USB Port Version. Royal Pieces

When it comes to electronic chess sets, this one is not at all like the others. and in a good way. It has alot of unique features that other products don't even come close to touching. It also has a great looking exterior. Alot of electronic boards are a hunk of plastic with wires and buttons going everywhere, but the GUI for this product is done completely on your own computer, so no need for an ugly LCD screen. It's made from great material, and actual wood - not plastic.

DGT2026 Wenge DGT Electronic Chessboard (E-Board) USB Port Version. Timeless Pieces

For the past several blogs on this site, we have been discussing the DGT line of electronic chess boards. Here is yet another variation of the available options. This has a USB connector to hook up to the computer. (If your not as much a geek as me, then a USB is a commonly used plug in, and your computer very most likely has one. 99% of all do have them) and it also comes with an optional chess clock, but that's an additional 60 spondoolies (GBP).

DGT2026 Wenge DGT Electronic Chessboard (E-Board) USB Port Version. Timeless Pieces

Lets talk about the timeless chess pieces included in this electronic chess board. (and I don't mean timeless as in good quality. They are a type of chess piece) As you have probably noticed if you have ever been on a chess site before (which I'm sure you have or you wouldn't be reading this) then you would know that alot of chess pieces get complicated. But the timeless chess pieces included with this product (along with the electronic board, and chess clock) are simple and to the point. they are pretty shiny and sleek, and I love the knight who has a great look on his face.

DGT2024 Rosewood DGT Electronic Chessboard (E-Board) USB Port Version. Design Pieces

If your interested in chess, don't have anybody to play with, have a PC or a mac with a USB port, like rosewood, like design style chess pieces and want to play chess against a computer, than this product is for you! (wow, that narrowed the market down pretty far) You can choose over many different styles and variations of this product, but I seem to think this one is pretty nice, and goes well with itself. Especially if you like contemporary style. That's what the design pieces are all about.

DGT2023 Rosewood DGT Electronic Chessboard (E-Board) USB Port Version. Classic Pieces

I love this electronic chess board because of many reasons but mainly because of the wonderful chess pieces included. It comes with a full set of 'classic' pieces. Nothing complex, but thats what I like about them. It also includes a board (computerization is hidden inside) made from pure rosewood, which has a medium reddish tint to it. And from what I here about rosewood, it's pretty sturdy, and doesn't crack when dropped, or buckle when wet. (plus they probably coat water protectant over it anyway)

DGT2022 Rosewood DGT Electronic Chessboard (E-Board) USB Port Version. Royal Pieces

This combination for the DGT electronic chess board comes complete with a great rosewood finished board. Rosewood is probably one of my favorite boards offered in this line because of the medium color and tint which match alot of hardwood flooring. It also has a build in USB on the side, and comes with the connector and program CD to install on a PC or a Mac. It also comes with the royal chess pieces. These pieces don't look much different from the classic pieces, and I think are, in most ways, the same, besides the knight, who has pretty detailed carving in him.

DGT2021 Rosewood DGT E-Board USB Port Version. Timeless Chess Pieces

This is probably one of the most popular and successful electronic chess boards on the market. (at least until someone makes something better) It has so many unique features that others just don't offer. You have the option to plug it into your computer from USB, serial port or bluetooth, and the boards come in all different sizes and materials. The individual chess pieces are also half of what makes the electronic functions work. They are able to tell the computer where they are on the board and what they are. Pretty impressive.

DGT2020 Walnut DGT E-Board USB Port Version. Venus Chess Pieces

Here is a awesome USB electronic chess board by Chess Baron. It's pretty advanced and unique in its software, and its one-of-a-kind electronic features. Some of the features I don't even understand! Thats how good it is. for example - "FRITZ, JUNIOR, SHREDDER, HIARCS, ZAPPA, TIGER, or a UCI engine running within a ChessBase interface" Now I've got no idea at all what in the world that could possibly mean, so that must mean it's good. :D Plus, ontop of the kick a$$ computerization that is integrated smoothly into these things, its got some beautiful designs like Venus chess pieces and a Walnut board.

DGT2019 Walnut DGT E-Board USB Port Version. Design Chess Pieces

Another great variation of the DGT electronic chess board from ChessBaron. This variation features a wonderful walnut board (yes, real walnut. No fake cr*p...least I don't think) but what's even more impressive (besides the computer stuff of course) are the Design chess pieces. As I've mentioned previously, I really have my eye on some of these design chess pieces. I'm not sure what attracts me to them, but something draws me to them. Especially the knight. Maybe it's the fact that the knight isn't actually a knight, but kind of like a cartoon of a knight. Not sure.

DGT2018 Walnut DGT E-Board USB Port Version. Classic Chess Pieces

When you look at pictures of this electronic chess board, it doesn't look like much. just a normal chess board and timer right? Wrong. All the impressive features are underneath the hood of this chess board. It's got an impressive feature called RFID. Inside the chess sets of pieces and the board, there are sensors that are able to track exactly where each piece is on the board at any time, and where it was the moves before that. Then, when you plug the usb cord into a powerful computer, you put the magic together and create an advanced smart chess opponent which uses the senors and impressive program to its advantage.

DGT Walnut Electronic Chessboard USB Port Version with Royal Pieces

This electronic chess board is pretty kool. (I try and be hipp like all the youngsters by spelling everything with a c with a k) It has some features that a lot of products of its kind just don't have. For example, extremely advanced software for your computer to link up to your chess board and act as your opponent in any kind of game. This set has a USB connector hidden on the side of the board, comes complete with royal pieces, and an optional advanced XL chess timer featured on Chess baron. All together is pretty nice. (well, maybe not £429 worth of nice but still nice.)

DGT Walnut Electronic Chessboard USB Port Version. Timeless Pieces

If you know anything much about this line of products from DGT, you would know that they come in many variations. This electronic chess board comes with a USB connector to connect to your PC or mac. Different from a serial port, almost every modern computer in the world is equipped with several of these nifty things. So if your not sure which connection to get in the DGT electronic chess board line up (serial port, bluetooth, or USB) then you might as well go with the USB versions to be safe. And this individual model is just perfect for you. It's equipped with USB, a beautiful walnut board, and the 'timeless' chess pieces. (don't ask me about the name. I don't know either)

DGT Wenge Electronic Chessboard Serial Port Version with Venus Pieces

Wow, these DGT models never cease to amaze me. DGT is already a reputable company who has some great other products out on the market that are pretty popular. But for a company to offer so many different variations of one product is pretty amazing. For example, a normal Ipod model comes with 3 variations - 8 GB, 16 GB, and 32 GB. But this electronic chess board line from DGT comes with several dozen different variations. (and I'm not stretching the truth) This variation comes with a wenge board, serial port computer connector, and beautiful Venus chess pieces.

DGT Wenge Electronic Chessboard Serial Port Version with Design Pieces

This DGT Electronic Chessboard features two very special pieces in addition to their rock-solid computerization and programs inside the board. The first one is the wenge board. It offers a unique color and pigment to the outside of the chess board that is unique because in most other boards offered, the most creative material is cedar, and I have that hangin' around in my back yard. The second special, unique feature are the design pieces. Like I have mentioned before, they are very contemporary, and would go great it a condo were contemporary style is lurking every corner.

DGT Wenge Electronic Chessboard Serial Port with Classic Pieces

As you know if you have been researching this brand and line of electronic chess boards, there are many different styles and models to customize them to just the way you like it. This model includes a wonderful and unique wenge board (yea - that's pretty unique. Hell, I didn't even know wenge existed till 5 min. ago) and classic chess pieces. Individually, these features aren't very impressive, but they have been integrated into this product very well, and look like they were made for each other.

DGT Wenge Electronic Chessboard Serial Port Version. Royal Pieces

This electronic chess board is great for anybody from professional to just a beginner, as long as you have some money handy. These things connect up to your computer through serial port (and USB and bluetooth are also available) and your PC or mac turns into a virtual chess buddy for training, or aiming up your skills for some serious competition. The board is equipped with sensors that allows your computer to track each piece at every moment and play against you. (Which is pretty hard. I can't even beat a computer on easy mode)

Timeless Wenge DGT Electronic E-Board Serial Port Version with Timeless Pieces

This product starts off a line of wenge-made boards for the DGT electronic chess boards. It includes Timeless style chess pieces with the wenge board and an optional chess clock. And of course a computer connection (serial port) to connect to your PC or mac to make the word "electronic" come to life, with included software with lots of impressive features for this board. Although there are some downsides. For example, it's not the cheapest product around coming in at around 400 with the timer, but it evens itself out with all it's impressive features.

Venus Rosewood Electronic E-Board Serial Port Version with Venus Pieces

Ya know, one of the great things about the DGT electronic chess board line is it's kinda like a combination lock. It's got three different main features, which can be customized to any possible combination of each main feature. (just like a combination lock) For example, the three main features of this particular model is:

1. rosewood board

2. serial port computer connection

3. venus style chess pieces

Which all look great together, but all three options can be customized just the way you like 'em.

Venus Rosewood Electronic E-Board Serial Port Version with Venus Pieces

Ya know, one of the great things about the DGT electronic chess board line is it's kinda like a combination lock. It's got three different main features, which can be customized to any possible combination of each main feature. (just like a combination lock) For example, the three main features of this particular model is:
1. rosewood board
2. serial port computer connection
3. venus style chess pieces
Which all look great together, but all three options can be customized just the way you like 'em.

Design Rosewood Electronic E-Board Serial Port Version with Design Pieces

This is a beautiful electronic chess board and set. (and that's coming from a guy, so you know it must be pretty good.) Not only does it have wonderful electronic features, like a serial port connection to connect to your home PC or mac, and software to be used as a chess computer, but one of the best things is its design. It's made of pure rosewood for the board which looks so sleek and so polished. It also comes with a great hand-carved set of chess pieces (design style)

Classic Rosewood Electronic Chessboard Serial Port Version with Classic Pieces

Remember the good old days where chess pieces all looked the same, and all the same color? all the same shape, and simple design? Now they have gotten really complicated and in some cases, you can't even tell the king from the pawn. If you agree with me, then you will love the pieces included in this DGT computer chess board. They are as simple as it gets (well, besides not carving the chunks of wood at all and leaving them rectangles) and they look extremely classic and original to what chess pieces started out looking like.

Royal Rosewood Electronic Chessboard Serial Port Version with Royal Pieces

The chess pieces included with this electronic chess board from DGT are pretty fancy. They are simple, yet look very polished and unique looking. Especially the knight who has pretty advanced carving into his face and main. No special colors though. Just simple brown and beige. The actual chess board is made from rosemary wood (or at least painted like it. either way, it still looks the same) and comes with a chess clock, a serial port connector to hook up to your PC or mac, (PC's suck!) and an installation CD.

Timeless Rosewood Electronic Chessboard Serial Port with Timeless Pieces

This is the DGT electronic chess board with the 'timeless pieces' included. (Why they're called timeless I'm not sure) It's a wonderful product like a lot of products from DGT. They have many different models of this electronic board, but all with slight modifications so you can pick out exactly the style you want. Just like this model - which features, as I stated, the timeless chess pieces. The pieces are very classic and basic looking, but that's alright. I love basic. Some things that get too complicated can get quite confusing. The KISS principle is for me.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

CL2016 DGT Easy Plus! Chess Clock

As you know if you have been shifting though the articles on this page (There are actually people who have you know...) that Chess Stores features a hot line of DGT easy chess clocks. But this time, it just got re-amped! Well, so what's different you may ask. Great question. I asked that one myself as I was reading the description, and truth be told....I'm not quite sure. Seems like a bunch of upgrades that aren't useful, but I'll read them off for you. It features a new programmable bonus time for each move (yea, I'm not sure what that means either) and sub-options for the bonus times.

CL2015 DGT Easy Blue Chess Clock

So what does a chess clock like this DGT model do exactly? Well great question my little confused friend. sometimes, in the game of chess, your opponent is too stupid and ignorant to make a move, thus resulting in you sitting on the opposite side for 3 hours while they deside wether to move left or right. Because of this fact, people began getting annoyed, thus the invention of the chess clock. It times your friend, and when time is up, yells at them to make a move. very effective for people with short attention spans.

CL2014 DGT Easy Red Chess Clock

This is one of DGT's ongoing lines of mini chess clocks. They sell them in a handful of different colors from black to white, but the one we are talking about is the red version. These specific models kind of look like a calculator without all the buttons in a way. Which I think is a great thing. They blend in to other styles of products in your home. But I'm no Martha Stewart here, so I'm not real sure about what looks good with what, but that's just my two cents.

CL2013 DGT Easy Green Chess Clock

Here's another of these DGT Easy Chess Clocks from Chess Baron. The mini-factor in these is the big selling point. Its also got great battery life (2 years off of 2 AA batteries) and a nice interface. And normally by this point in an article, I would be making some joke insulting the device, but there isn't much to insult here. (besides - the funny sector of my brain shuts down after 12. All my midget comedian slaves inside my brain go to sleep. They're the ones who create all my witty humorous jokes)

CL2012 DGT Easy Yellow Chess Clock

Finally! A travel size chess clock. You would think that at least some chess clocks would be mini-sized for travel reasons, but in fact, very few are. This is the first one I've come across. The DGT Easy Yellow Chess Clock is pretty small and unique looking than others of it's kind, and looks like a great interface for the user. (or 'GUI' for the nerds. Hehe, how's that c++ API for MSDOS and search optimisation going? See, if you were a nerd you would understand that) But as for the clock, it looks great, price is great, and it's easy to use. How much more do you want?

CL2010 BHB Turnier Blitz Chess Clock

Some people in this world like to be really strict on the rules of chess. Or some just like to show off and pretend they are a master of chess. If your one of the above (or one of the up and to the left a little to me exact) then you need one of these chess clocks. For example - the BHB Turnier Blitz, which will time each player exactly at how long they have to think about each move. It wouldn't come in very handy for me though because I don't even have the patients to think hard about a move for over 10 seconds. I usually don't even get half way into a game till I get so ticked off and throw the pieces flying across the room because someone kinged me. Is Kinged a verb or a noun...?

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

CM2006 Saitek Kasparov Maestro Travel Chess Computer

This electronic chess set is one of the higher-end hunk of circuit boards on the market. It features a full touch screen board, comes with a stylus and has over twice the features of the other ones. It also features a pretty long battery life in case you refuse to keep buying AAA batteries like me. Now, not to sound like a seller here, but I believe that this thing is pretty sexy and stylish compared some of the others (......Not that I find a computer sexually appealing. Why? Do you?)

CM2001 Saitek Advanced Travel Chess Computer

If you're a nerd like me and can't find anyone who would want to sit though a 2 hour game of chess with you, then one of these chess computers can come in quite handy. This one in particular. It has over 64 ways to play, a 4-line LCD display, and comes WAY cheaper than regular chess sets. And as my motto always goes "If you can cheap out on something - do it". P.S. Why can they never include the batteries with any of this electronic cr*p?

Monday, 10 August 2009

TH2050 Canterbury Cathedral Chess Set

Eh, this set it alright I suppose. I'm not sure about some other the pieces in the set though. For example, why are some of them kneeling and praying? I'm sure I would understand if I wasn't too lazy to read the paragraph worth of description, but come on, who reads now-a-days? Pictures, baby! Well, apparently you read I guess, because you're reading this. And I've got to check this whole thing for never mind about the reading thing. But thats not the point. In all seriousness, I like the set. Has a unique look to it. And my gut feeling must be true - it's one of the flagships of the range.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

TH2027 Sherlock Holmes Chess Set

I think this set is tryin' to bring it old school. Looks like America in the 30's. And I love how most all of the peices have fixed looks and no expressions on their faces. I usually complain about that fact but this time it looks kinda neat to me just the way they are set up. No brownie-points for the paint job, but ya can't will 'em all can you? Comes for the regular price on Chessbaron so nothing that will break your wallet. And that's always nice. Because every time I'm forced to take money out of my wallet I cry inside.

TH2022 Battle of Culloden Chess Set

Eh, just your average set here young ones. White - beige. I do like the towers though. And I give respect to the people who have to think up of all these different pieces and designs over and over again. I sure wouldn't be able to do it. But on the other hand, the chess set has some nice unique carving designs added onto some of the pieces like the knights and especially the king. And by the looks of all the picture given by the maker, it looks like it comes with about 12 pounds of paper documentation.

TH2024 Battle of Culloden Hand Painted Chess Set - Deluxe

Ya know, it gets quite boring sometimes when looking for a chess set and all you see is black and beige. They start to blend in with everything else. Well not this set. It actually has true colors that match real life. skin color for skin, horse color for the horses, rock color for the rocks, and you get my drift. It is very unique and pops out. It's like the invention of color TV from black and white TV. And it's got some nice peices too. But I wonder how it gets it suffix "deluxe"?

TH2016 Battle of Hastings Chess Set

Eh, this chess set is alright. Nothing special. The maker advertises it as based upon an old battle faught on American soil, but apparently it's not that famous because I've never heard of it. But like I've mentioned before, I feel asleep in most of my history classes. But I do love the pieces. They are made of some pretty sturdy material. They say this material (camel bone) can be dropped from over 20 feet without cracking. That's great for me cus that's exactly what I like to do with all my expensive cr*p. Then, after that, throw a firecracker at it and give it to my hound dog to naw on.

TH2017 Battle of Hastings Hand Painted Chess Set

Oh! Here's something we don't usually see every day. This is a wonderful looking chess set at a glance. Most of the ones I see are either pure black and gold, or pure brown and white. No color variations. But this one does. The painter obviously spent some good solid time painting all these. All the jackets are detailed and painted, and even some shadow work was put into the paint job. I only wish that their faces and skin were flesh colored. That would make this set just that much better.

TH2009 Gods of Mythology Chess Set

Now, in a sarcastic article, you would think the first words comming out of my mouth (or keyboard as you will) about this chess set would be something about the queen's bo*bs. And if your one of the ones who thought that - well - your right! Cus thats exactly what I'ma do! And if you look into her eyes very closely, you see that she knows whats happening. Oh yea. She knows your mesmerized, and that's exactly how she wants you! oh yes! exactly! *Ahem* sorry about that. My fantasy life started to kick in again.

TH2006 Egyptian Theme Chess Set

Here is a variation on the popular Egyptian line of chess sets. I kinda like this one better than some of the others because the chess pieces are alot different and more interesting. I just have one question - I understand all the pieces like the cobras climbing up the pole, and the statues, but what the heck does a deer-lookin thing with antlers have anything to do with anything? Maybe it does, but I fell asleep in all my history classes because I hated all my teachers so I wouldn't know. But disregard my confusion please. Think what you may.

TH2003 ChessBaron Isle of Lewis Minature

As all you lovely people that read all these articles know, Chessbaron has a long line up of Isle of Lewis chess sets. Well here's yet another - only this time - it's miniature sized. (or as I call all short people - fun sized) It's exactly the same as all their others, yet this time, they use half the material and charge the same price. I will never understand the ways the world works. But oh well. It's a nice mini-sized set either way. And is a very nice remake of a very popular set.

TH2002 ChessBaron Isle of Lewis - with Presentation Case and Board

This is the second edition of the Isle of Lewis chess set offered by chessbaron. Although the pieces are exactly the same, this version comes with a presentation case and a board, unlike the other edition. The other upside to this set though, is that the prices arn't much higher, and you get twice as much. Unless your a cocky rich CEO of some big company like me, and then prices don't matter at all anymore. (I had a dream like that once...sorry to say it never happened in real life)

TH2001 - ChessBaron Isle of Lewis Chess Set

Back in the old times of the 1800s, a man named Lewis discovered a building hidden beneath sand. When he explored it, he found many pieces of rock that looked like as if the were carved like elves and Gnomes. Being the superstitious man he was, he saw this as a curse and gave them away to a collector, who discovered that they weren't actually simply stones, but part of an ancient chess set. This is the remake of that set. I think. Now, I didn't make that story as epic as the story that comes with this set, but you get the jist of it.